Authors: Adrien E. Aiache, Melvin A. ShiffmanFormat: Hardback | 232 pagesDimensions: 216 x 279 x 15.24mm | 515gPublication date: 30 Jun 2013 内容简介:  Li...
Authors: C. W. Hanke, Gerhard SattlerFormat: Mixed media product | 208 pagesDimensions: 195.6 x 271.8 x 12.7mm | 204.12gPublication date: 13 Sep 2005 ...
Author: Dimitrije PanfilovFormat: Hardback | 224 pagesDimensions: 171 x 241 x 15mm | 600gPublication date: 09 Feb 2005 内容简介:For millennia, men and wom...
内容简介:With more complete, authoritative coverage of basic science, clinical practice of both adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatopathology, and der...
内容简介:Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any onlin...
内容简介:Full-color, step-by-step guidance on how to perform the most popular procedures in cosmetic surgeryUsing more than 250 full-color illustrations a...