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 Authors:  Peter Taub, Stephen Baker
 Format:  Hardback | 176 pages
 Dimensions:  226 x 282 x 15mm | 703g
 Publication date:  16 Feb 2012



   A full-color, step-by-step atlas of rhinoplasty surgical techniques

   Part of the McGraw-Hill Plastic Surgery Atlas series, Rhinoplasty is an unmatched visual guide to learning
 how to successfully perform this challenging procedure. Featuring 180 full-color illustrations, this is the perfect
 primer for surgeons to begin and sharpen their understanding of rhinoplasty.

   Rhinoplasty addresses the relevant anatomy, operative setup, surgical steps, and postoperative care to
 optimize patient outcomes. The book is organized by anatomic location and covers in detail the numerous
 maneuvers that are frequently used to shape the various parts of the nose. Designed to provide the most
 relevant information in the clearest manner possible, Rhinoplasty features an easy-to-apply presentation
 consisting of bulleted text on the left- hand page and high-quality illustrations on the right.

   Opening chapters include coverage of nasal anatomy, cartilaginous support, arterial support, innervations
 and muscles of the nose, treatment planning, operative setup, and basic approaches. The book then goes on
 to cover actual corrections, including:

  • Dorsal hump deformity
  • Doral augmentation
  • Radix reduction and augmentation
  • Increasing and decreasing tip rotation
  • Lengthening the short nose
  • Alar base modification
  • Alar-columella relationship modification
  • Septal modification
  • And more

   Also included is an appendix illustrating key surgical instruments.


 Table of Content

 1. Nasal Anatomy - Bony Support
 2. Framework: Cartilaginous support
 3. Vascularity: Arterial supply
 4. Innervation of the nose
 5. Muscles of the nose
 6. Treatment planning: Facial aesthetics
 7. Treatment planning: Nasal function
 8. Operative setup
 9. Basic Approaches
 10. Ear cartilage harvest
 11. Calvarial bone harvest
 12. Costal bone and cartilage harvest
 13. Iliac crest harvest
 14. Graft-depleted patient
 15. Dorsal hump deformity
 16. Dorsal augmentation
 17. Radix reduction
 18. Radix augmentation
 19. Increasing tip projection
 20. Decreasing tip projection
 21. Increasing tip rotation
 22. Decreasing tip rotation
 23. Upper lateral cartilages: Grafting techniques
 24. The Wide Tip: Suture techniques
 25. Lower lateral cartilage grafting techniques
 26. Lengthening the Short Nose
 27. Nasal osteotomies: Width manipulation
 28. Alar base modification
 29. Alar-columella relationship modification
 30. Septal modification
 31. Turbinate modification
 32. Closure and dressing
 33. Patient education and consent
 34. Coding



 ● Amazon:https://amzn.to/3hXC5B8
 ● Bookdepository:https://bit.ly/2Tib2G9