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 Authors:  Eun-Sang Dhong, Min-Wha Na
 Format:  Hardback | 189 pages
 Dimensions:  178 x 254mm | 614g
 Publication date:  14 Jun 2021



  • Covers a range of frequently encountered conundrums in depth
  • Identifies solutions that help achieve excellent results
  • Offers clear guidance on the use of alloplastic materials

   This book explains the challenging problems often encountered by surgeons when performing
   septorhinoplasty and secondary rhinoplasty in Asian patients and identifies solutions based on
   the best available evidence.  The opening chapter discusses issues relating to the longevity of
   alloplastic implants.  Various dilemmas in Asian septorhinoplasty are then addressed, including
   in relation to resorption of autogenous grafts and various aspects of technique.  The aim here is
   to enable surgeons to achieve consistent high-end results.  In the case of secondary rhinoplasty,
   the coverage includes conundrums relating to the distinction between infection and delayed
   inflammation, the choice of graft materials, correction of the contracted nose, and key decisions,
   including in patients in whom the septum has been previously resected.  A separate chapter
   provides guidance on the approach to specific difficult cases encountered in Asian populations,
   including tip deformity, columellar necrosis, nostril asymmetry, and recurrent nasal deviation.  
   Finally, advice is given on best practice in the use of alloplastic materials.


 Table of Content

   Chapter 1. The longevity of alloplastic implants
   Chapter 2. Surgical site infection (SSI) vs. Late-onset inflammation (LOI)
   Chapter 3. Nasal Swab culture: the preparation for the safe surgery
   Chapter 4. Medpor: the hurdle of secondary rhinoplasty
   Chapter 5. Nasal obstruction in Asian rhinoplasty
   Chapter 6. The various preparations of autologous materials
   Chapter 7. The resorption: the hurdle for autogenous based Asian rhinoplasty
   Chapter 8. Controlling Asian Tip: Tip defining point & supratip break
   Chapter 9. Controlling Asian Tip: Facet & supra-alar groove
   Chapter 10. Controlling Asian Tip: infra-tip lobule & ACR
   Chapter 11. Correction of the short secondary nose: Dissection & the framework reconstruction
   Chapter 12. Secondary septal surgery
   Chapter 13. Think inside the box: Absorbable plate, IHCC and the stem cells
   Chapter 14. Pus draining status after complicated septorhinoplasty: when to do the secondary rhinoplasty?
   Chapter 15. Nasal tip necrosis: the midline forehead flap should be the last choice.
   Chapter 16. When you encounter very small septal cartilage
   Chapter 17. Hypoplastic lower nose: camouflage vs. reconstruct the framework



 ● Amazon:https://amzn.to/3vqIOqR
 ● Bookdepository:https://bit.ly/3bZST6G
 ● Springer:https://bit.ly/3wtK9gS