Author: John B. Tebbetts

Format: Mixed media product | 656 pages
Dimensions: 226.06 x 292.1 x 35.56mm | 2,199.91g
Publication date: 16 Jan 2008


This comprehensive guide gives you everything you need to confidently perform every aspect of primary rhinoplasty - from detailed analysis and operative planning algorithms to technical details of some of the world's most precise rhinoplasty techniques.

Table of Content

Dedication Acknowledgements
1. Principles of nondestructive tip rhinoplasty
2. The sequence of rhinoplasty: integrating techniques for efficacy
3. Clinical assessment and operative planning
4. Incisions in rhinoplasty
5. Skeletonization
6. Primary tip assessment and modification
7. Primary modification of the dorsum
8. Septum, ethmoid and vomer
9. Osteotomies
10. Secondary tip modification: shaping and positioning the nasal tip using nondestructive techniques
11. Secondary dorsum modifications
12. The lip-nose complex
13. Alar base modification, the vestibular lining and inclusional closures
14. Splinting, dressings
15. Preoperative, Anesthetic, and Postoperative Management
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D



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